Finally I could pre-order the vinyl of Black Anything on Axis Mundi store. I’ve
been following Is Tropical for over 2 years actually. Today I visited
their website to see what’s new. And I just wanted to tell them I fall
in love with the space they created all black. It’s beautiful, minimal
and inspirational and so is Is Tropical.
Recently I’ve been thinking about the word ‘Support.’ Last
year I did sing ’Dancing Anymore’ with them on the poolside stage in
Tokyo. I still can’t believe that I was so lucky to have been there.
That saved my life. I thought I’d return a favor. That’s why I’ve
started my Tumblr 'BAD GIRLS DO CRY.' It is too personal thing kinda like One Direction Fan Girls’ scrapbook though. Anyway It’s easy to like or do favorite or
send a message on their social network service. But basically I think
that buying their music is a real support. If the whole package of the
album art was their music, I would like to feel it.
Now I’m living in near Tokyo far away from them and can’t see their gig here so far. Tokyo is coolest city. But it must be hard for the bands like them to play. Because It’s costly. I know well. Yeah, actually the ticket is nearly 3 or 4 times higher than the price of NY or London. My power is so tiny, I would like other fans to buy their new music legally. It may help that they give a concert in your country (my Japan too).