Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yumi's Birthday Party

週末はお友達のバースデーパーティーだった。代々木上原のCinquante Cinqにて。

毎日の小さな幸せがどんなに大切か ここに書けるけるまでずいぶんと時間がかかった。

Last night was amazing. Yumiko and I held Yumi's birthday party at Cinquante Cinq in Yoyogiuehara. We love this bistrot, it's so cozy like my home. We've never meet since March 11, 2011. Japan has been confusing whatever. That's why I was so happy to chat w/them in the situation.

So for a month, I thought about many things, my life, my family, my friends, my work...whatever. All things are around myself. I felt a month was so long. Not doing anything that I did before, I could notice that the tiny pieces of my happiness in my daily life are the most prescious
things. Its just like reading my fav mags or listening to indie pop music or watching comedy movies.. and more.
Those things may be foolis for someone else, but for me its very important.

Therefore I really appreciate living safely and doing something normally.

And hope the people and the animals in the damaged area back to normal.

Beautiful Sakura and my friend Yumiko( very tiny) in Shinjyukugyoen


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