Saturday, May 11, 2013


May is one of my fave months. cuz my birthday is soon and Japanese take a one week vacation in May. i spent too much time watching every seasons of Downton Abbey. sorry. (don't you think i'm such a looser?) it was a pretty great story and on the other hand seemed to be a kind of soap opera. but this drama helped me to study BRITISH English. recently eventually i've learned it.
then i hung around with my friends in Tokyo. very recently Tokyo has changed. if you are a fashionista and visit there, you'll purchase every coolest fashion things in the world. it's sure Tokyo has everything. Thom Brown, Kitsuné, Steven Alan... whatever you want.
my sis Ellie and i visited US NAVY base. the pizza was sooo good.
After Yumi's birthday. i'm not a mean girl. but sorry i was a jerk that night.
Mayumi leaves Tokyo soon. it's so LAME. 
Kitsuné Cafe became my fave. hipster place but pretty cozy.
the coffee smells good. you can buy Kitsuné Tee shirts or other stuffs.

enjoy your spring days ♡

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