Saturday, May 10, 2014


The end of April through around May 5th is called "Golden Week" in Japan. There are many national holidays. But I don't like that. Because Tokyo is a crowded place, you know. But this season is more than that. My friends and I have hidden from crazy tourists. I only hung out with my friend for one day. I would like to share some.
We explored Roppongi's back streets. You can find the best place to take a pic of The Tokyo Tower.
If you want to buy some books, you should go to Tsutaya in Roppongi and Daikanayama. There are a lot of foreign magazines. I found my fave Twins Say Lou Lou in V magazine and also Violet by Leith Clark. Both shops have Starbucks, you can drink a cup of coffee while reading.
My friend and I had lunch at Homework's in Azabujuban. We ordered the vieggie burgers which were so good. Yum...Yum!!
There are bunch of good restaurants and shops around Azabujuban. We visited Hudson Market Bakers. I thought I felt like I was in New York. They served American baked goods. The next time I hope I will eat a pancake there.

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